




写作中心为所有在校学生提供一对一的写作辅导, both undergraduate and graduate students, in all fields of study and at all levels of study. Students can make an appointment for a 写作中心 session by visiting 欧洲杯买球网址.mywconline.com. 我们的写作中心由专业人员和同行本科生导师组成, 学生可以在预约时选择他们想和谁一起工作. 我们的导师在写作过程的各个阶段都有与作家合作的经验——从选择主题和起草论文陈述到重新组织草稿和最终编辑. 我们可以帮助学生完成他们可能正在进行的任何类型的写作项目, including both academic and non-academic writing. 所以不管他们是在为社会学课做ppt, a lab report for biology, an application essay for grad school, or a forum post for their First-Year Seminar course, our tutors are here to help.

我们的写作中心位于图书馆三楼334室. 停下来打个招呼,预约一下,或者找个合适的家教.


  • 虚拟F2F辅导我们的虚拟F2F(面对面)辅导服务本质上是与导师的视频通话,导师和学生可以虚拟连接并同时在同一在线文档上工作. 对于那些刚刚开始写作并想要集思广益的学生来说,这是一个很好的选择. It’s also great for students who have a draft that they need to revise, but they’re not quite sure where to start. 
  • 邮件草稿辅导:邮件辅导, our asynchronous tutoring option, 让学生上传一份草稿给导师,并在他们预定的电子邮件预约当天收到书面反馈. This feedback is meant to be facilitative—we focus on students’ 的想法, we make sure they’re meeting the goals of the assignment, 我们让他们知道什么是有效的,什么可以在未来的草案中改进. 虽然我们不编辑学生的论文,但我们可以教他们如何校对自己的作品.

写作 Workshops and Retreats for Students (ONLINE ONLY)

除了 to our one-on-one conferences, 写作中心提供各种主题的写作工作坊(比如如何写一篇强有力的论文陈述), how to organize 的想法 in writing, and how to get started on a new writing assignment). 我们还举办写作静修活动,学生可以在导师的帮助下参加两个小时的结构化写作时间. Schedules will be posted on the 写作中心’s Brightspace site.

写作 Resources for Students and Instructors:

我们在Brightspace上为学生和教师提供了大量的写作资源, with more being added every week. Join our Brightspace site and click the “写作 Resources” tab on the left.

Brightspace Site: 'Marist 写作中心'

Join our site in five easy steps:

  1. 注册Brightspace
  2. Click on Discover in the Navigation Bar  
  3. Search for "写作中心" 
  4. 点击网站
  5. 点击“自我注册”



写作中心由兼职教师、全职教师和学生实习生组成. 我们的导师都是写作方面的专家,有与各个学科的作家合作的经验.


该中心认为其使命是帮助学生和广大的圣母社区通过向他们展示如何清晰有效地表达思想,成为更加自给自足的作家. 我们帮助作家在写作过程的任何阶段-从选择主题到起草和修改-任何写作项目, including both academic and non-academic writing. 我们与作家合作,从论文陈述和组织到语法和引用方法.

Students are encouraged to bring assignments, 的想法, 或者草稿, although tutors will work on completed papers as well. 除了, 马瑞斯特社区的成员可能会来帮助完成包括求职信在内的非学术性写作任务, 个人陈述, and other job/graduate school application materials. 为 more in-depth employment and career advising, we recommend visiting the Center for 职业服务.


我们的写作中心导师采取促进,非评价的方法来写作. 这意味着我们要集中讨论你的工作和写作目标. We do not copyedit, proofread, or rewrite papers. 话虽如此,我们很乐意帮助你学习编辑和校对你自己的写作.

Most sessions are 30 or 60 minutes long. 我们专注于结构和组织问题以及创意的产生, and are dictated by the student's concerns. 主要是, 我们的工作人员希望随着时间的推移看到写作的进步,并以实质性的方式赋予学生权力, not just to get the student a better grade.

Did we mention it's free?

每学期, 数以百计的欧洲杯买球网址学生受益于与我们的写作中心教师交谈和工作. 让我们来帮你!


Students are encouraged to make appointments by calling ext. 2735 during Center hours or online at 欧洲杯买球网址.mywconline.com. Walk-ins are assisted on a first-come, first-served basis. 我们建议学生提前预约,以确保他们得到所需的帮助. Additionally, there are limited online tutoring sessions available; see the Marist.mywconline.com webpage for available hours.


调度策略: 你每周有四个半小时的时间,总共两个小时. 如果你有很长的论文或需要时间,你可以报名参加一个小时的连续时段.

You must show up for your appointment, 在线取消, 或者给写作中心发邮件告诉我们你不能提前至少60分钟预约.

If you know you are running late, please call us. If you don’t arrive within ten minutes of the time you slotted, you lose your appointment, even if you’ve signed up for two concurrent sessions. This will allow us to accommodate walk-ins. This kind of cancellation is a "no-show." If you accumulate 3 no-shows during a semester, 在本学期剩下的时间里,你将失去预约的能力——尽管你仍然可以继续使用预约.

Be sure to be on-time and prepared for your appointment. Bring all materials: your tutor may wish to discuss the assignment, 你的研究, or suggestions from your instructor.


It is our mission to help students become better, more confident writers. Through face-to-face and online consultations, 我们经验丰富的导师为作家提供支持,并提供反馈和修改策略.

我们鼓励你在你所有的写作作业中提到写作中心,并向你所有的学生推荐写作中心. Research shows that writers in all disciplines, regardless of experience and skill, 那些与外部读者讨论他们的草稿和想法的人更有动力继续写作,更有可能对他们的最终论文进行有意义的修改.

教师被要求强烈鼓励学生在写作过程的早期阶段去中心. We can assist students in interpreting assignments, developing outlines and thesis statements, and ensuring all parts of an assignment are complete. While we will accommodate required 写作中心 appointments, 重要的是要注意,当学生自己主动寻求帮助时,写作水平的提高最大.

为 those students who need intensive work on their writing, please suggest they set up regular, ongoing appointments with the same 写作中心 instructor. 如果你特别关心学生的写作,请联系史黛西维特施托克 史黛西.wittstock@Marist.edu

写作中心 services also extend to classrooms across campus. Our staff can provide brief introductions to 写作中心 services, custom writing instruction tailored to specific courses, and presentations to groups on particular writing subjects. To arrange an outreach or co-teaching program, please contact the Director of the 写作中心, 史黛西·维特斯托克(史黛西.wittstock@Marist.edu).