








布兰登Boldt, 炫耀他的齐肩长发, 人字拖, 轻松的角色, 每天在汉考克呆上几个小时, working on independent research and deeply pondering philosophical concepts in the context of computer programming.

布兰登, 一个初级, has dedicated a great portion of his college education to researching and further justifying his interest in artificial intelligence and philosophy, as he has spent his years at Marist thus far making valuable contributions to his field of interest in an early part of his career. As a computer science and philosophy double major with a math minor, 布兰登 has committed to an academic lifestyle of problem-solving, 在逻辑和抽象的思维方式.

我在明尼苏达州的双子城长大, 布兰登 utilized his high school experience to experiment with thinking about the way things work, as he served as the captain and lead developer of his school’s robotics team. “My first experience with programming was on the TI-83+ calculators—from there, 我发现了更复杂的语言,并开始学习更多,他说.

布兰登 explains his research regarding the correlation between his two majors with the concept that computer systems and human brains work in similar ways in terms of basic knowledge capacity and decision-making.“The biggest correlation I have found is the crossover between the philosophy of mind and how we define knowledge and free-will,他说.

Comparing a variety of philosophical surveys and evaluating an array of theories, 布兰登’s research project proved itself as a valid argument in the computer processing world. 正如他在会议上展示的那样, he now plans to create a tangible computer program to further demonstrate his argument.

大一之后, 布兰登在这家软件公司找到了实习机会, 工作日, 位于旧金山郊外. “我喜欢我的项目, the environment was great and I really just enjoyed being in the workplace,他说.

As the San Francisco Bay Area exists as a haven for the technology world, 布兰登 hopes to return to California to work and further his professional experience there. “I would be disappointed and quite surprised if I didn’t spend at least some portion of my life living there,他说. “Also, in California, no one will blink twice about my long hair and 人字拖,” he laughed. “I’ve always loved wearing flip flops—I wear them year-round.”

然而, working with hands-on software development was slightly counteractive to his extremely strong mindset as a researcher. “Software development felt kind of empty for me in regards to the finished project [being] just some application or some program I built,他说. ”,, I realized that pretty much any role that just included programming would not really be enough for me.”

After gaining experience and solidifying his goals in the technology field, 布兰登 attended Siena College during the summer of 2016 doing research on machine learning, 人工智能和心理学的一个方面, 进一步深入研究和开发技术.

“That kind of internship experience helped me to realize that I really enjoy research more than I do at a regular kind of desk job,他说, 这段经历巩固了他申请博士学位的计划.D. 在计算机科学专业学习.

布兰登 plans to attend graduate school in order to closely work on research projects in a university setting either in the U.S.,美国.K., or in any other part of the world in order to maximize his cultural exposure to his field.

He plans to either work as a college professor in computer science or to work in the research division of a large technology company. “I love explaining things to people and presenting information, 即使是在教室里,他说.

布兰登’s deep interest in his field of study drives him to combat each day’s work with great enthusiasm in working on his independent study. “The extrinsic motivation is secondary to the fact that I just think that the stuff I’m doing is so cool,他说. “探索这些新想法是我真正的动力.”

布兰登 spends two to three hours per week practicing the flute, which he began playing at age 10 and has carried into his college life. He also plays the piano and composes his own music using both instruments, and is studying abroad in a music program in Vienna in the spring of 2017. “I don’t mind staying up until midnight to practice flute, because it’s just another way for me to relax and have fun,他说.

布兰登 stands true to his crafted scientific thinking style, as he dismisses an interest in music history or further study and instead expresses his pure interest in the mechanically creative aspects of playing and composing. “I’m never going to stop playing the flute, at least for as long as my fingers allow me to,他说.

布兰登’s research has led his passion to an exponentially increasing degree and has furthered his goals for his personal contribution to the computer science world.“I would love to contribute something in computer science and philosophy that really helps people to see that computers can function on the same level as humans—making decisions and just kind of existing in the same way,他说.

